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The Colorful Webpage


Jared H. Clark

Adding color to a webpage helps capture a viewer's attention. Also, adding color is easy. HTML's color scheme employs combining the three primary colors in "Hex Triplets" such as "0000FF" for blue. Some browsers may allow a color expressed as a color name, such as "blue". The hex triplet consists of three (triplet) 2-digit hexadecimal (hex) values, one for red, one for green, and one for blue. The general appearance of a 6-digit hex triplet is #rr gg bb where each 2-digit hex value can range from 00 (no color) to FF (full color). The hex triplet can define up to 256 x 256 x 256 = 16,777,216 colors. About 200 of these nearly 17 million colors have been assigned color names by some browsers. Provided herebelow are some links to some color tables.

Links To Some Color Tables

Link to Mr. Harden's Color Name Table
Link to Mr. Harden's Hex Triplet Color Table