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Jared H. Clark
CIT 138B, Section 903
Assignment #9

My Trip to Mexico


For Christmas 1996, my wife and her siblings made plans for all of them, plus spouses and children, to spend Christmas at their parent's home near Mexico City. This was not my first trip to Mexico, but I had not noticed before quite how bad the traffic can be in Mexico City. As we drove out of the airport and got on the freeway, I was taken aback by the seeming chaos of so many cars weaving back and forth on the road. There were basically no painted lanes anywhere so anyone could go wherever he or she wanted! My wife assured me that it didn't used to be that way.


We spent time at some ruins near my wife's grandmother's house. There are some large statues on top of a pyramid. During the walk to the pyramid, the statues don't appear to be that large, but they are at least 5 times taller than I am. Needless to say, everyone was duly impressed and we took pictures of everyone trying to hug the statues.


We spent Christmas Day at my in-laws' and the day after, we drove to a colonial city called Queretaro, which is some distance away. We spent some time looking at little shops and items that were being sold on the street and spent the night in an old hacienda-style hotel. We fell in love with this area.

Mexico City

¡Viva México! We spent some time in Mexico City as well, although not a lot. We went to the Zocalo, the central plaza, as well as several monuments. We also went to a wax museum and several malls and large department stores that rival any I've seen in the United States.